Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I was graciously invited to speak about my career in children's books at Syracuse University, so I headed straight for the airport. Then they called back and told me it wouldn't be for a couple of weeks, so I went home.

A few weeks later, I was back at the airport.

My trip was off to a flying stop. My flight was delayed due to a bird flying straight into the windshield of the plane I was supposed to board. I offered to clean it up if they had a spare squeegee, but they refused and waited for the professionals. This took an hour.

Finally in my seat and in the air.

Although I didn't realize it before I opened the Sky Mall catalogue, I needed absolutely everything in it.

It wasn't long before Syracuse was in view.

My escort from SU had to wait until I mastered the Big Buck Hunter video game at the airport.

What a lovely campus! I felt so collegiate. I wish I had one of those little triangular banners on a stick and a sweater with a big letter on it. Rah! Rah!

I spoke to the illustration department.

I hope the students had as much fun as I did.

I was eager to share my 20 years of experience with the younger generation, but this guy just wanted to get directions to the men's room.

Afterwards we had a great lunch with the faculty and a few students. Sorry! No photo of my food.

Very old chum James Ransome joined us. We swapped salty tales of our years in children's books.

Thank you for inviting me, James!

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